Workshops for authors

Below are some of the
workshops that donalee provides.
  • Crafting a Successful Synopsis
    If you’re looking for an agent or publisher, you’ll need a synopsis that introduces you, your writing style, your approach to the work, and your book. What it's about, how it differs from others, and how it's similar to others. This workshop will explore what should go in a synopsis and why and how to break the rules with care (and flair).

  • Editing For Clarity, Conciseness, and More
    Drafting is the first step on the road to great writing. Editing is essential. This workshop will explore two key types of editing, editing issues and how to address them, the role of an editor in the writing process, how to have an effective relationship with your editor, and how to recognize commonly missed editing errors.

  • Writing A Strong Query Letter
    Agents and publishers require a query letter, but they want more than information. They also want to be drawn into your work and to have confidence in your ability. This workshop will explore the elements of a query letter, tone and focus, what not to include, and the difference between a query and a synopsis.

Learn More
Connect with donalee to learn more about workshops.